The Book (coming soon)

I have almost finished writing a book on the psychotherapy process where one could see and feel how the most profound gradual changes occur in our life of the soul. In this journey, I slowly was formed, extracted, and transformed in my professional understanding. Still, most important, I learned how our psyche can heal itself if we listen and follow deep inner processes. This book is about trust, where the most sensitive touch brings healing.
It is written in the Jungian spirit while incorporating Osteopathy wisdom tradition. Here, one can also find ideas for Homeopathy as I wrote the process year after year. We used the assistance of homeopathic remedies, though I was not overly detailed in explaining prescriptions here; my focus was on the processes of the psyche and relationships. This will be my testimony of how I worked as a young psychologist on the way to becoming a psychotherapist. This was also the road to my own individuation I traveled together on, with my client. The book is based on ten years of study of one case analysis, a complete and finished psychotherapy process from the beginning to the end. It might be interesting for anyone who wonders whether to start a personal analysis, how it works, how long it takes, and whether it can help. It might also be helpful to all therapeutic professions that serve the soul of humanity.
I am more than grateful I was able to meet Rima. She showed me her hidden, most secret inner chambers, revealed her angels’ and demons’ whisperings, and trusted me to open her wounds. We shared horses as a living symbol for discovering a new sense of personal boundaries, a unique sense of being related, seen, present, and healthy. 
This is a detailed analysis of the dynamic of an eating disorder (bulimia) and its healing process. Through the years, the central theme of destruction and threatening annihilating aggression was turning into a regained sense of worth, a sense of an inner rhythm. The wordless mist turned into a voice and crystalized personal values. I present here an entire psychotherapy process, analysis of essential dreams and symbols, therapeutic relationships as the main container for violent fantasies, feelings of envy, rage, psychic pain, metaphysical processes, out-of-body experiences and alien forces attacking during the night. I base my thinking on many of Jung’s writings and my own intuitive guidance. Rima also shares her perspective on the processes she experienced with me, discovering something irreplaceable when you are willing to see both sides of a mutual process where both are changed.
For the book’s cover, I present my dearest teacher’s painting to you, who opened the world of horses and taught us the language of their souls.

Vita Jasinauskaitė „Gilūs prisilietimai“ 2021