O2 The Alchemy of Relatedness of the Two

Hilma af Klint, Group IX/SUW, The Swan, No. 1, 1915  / Compendium Alchemist, Johann Michael Faust, 1706

Twin Flame Crystal Quartz conjoined via rainbow representing entwined souls. Personal collection.

O3 The Alchemy of Relatedness of the Three

Plate II-2 Three Birds; Plate II-3 A Three-Headed Bird; Plate II-4 A Three-Headed Dragon

Harley 3469, British Library

Triple spherical chalcopyrite var. blister copper crystal naturally fused together

Rare specimen from Tonglushan Copper Mine, near Dane, Hubey Province, China. Personal collection.

We are all bound together through a relationship. That’s why the central part of the life lessons we learn on this Earth focus around our relationships with each other. On a conscious level, we all face several types of mutual contracts, and we can more or less differentiate between them. But there are broader and deeper horizons on the unconscious level conditioning our relationships. Once I was asked how I would describe tangibly what, after all, the relationship is; and how we could speak about such a thing we can’t easily touch, take or shape.
One way of speaking about intangible things is through analogies or metaphors, and at all times and ages, people have tried to understand themselves through the analogy of taming wild animals. They used various techniques to set their will on animals in order to control them, and I think people indeed failed here – in the relationship with nature. After having an illusion that man conquered nature, he thought he also mastered himself. I think it is worth starting where we failed and, from there, we can start to understand ourselves better. Our almost lost (or significantly severed) connection with nature is also the reason why I speak through an analogy about having a direct experience and relationship with horses. Once we understand that that relationship means not having reins in our hands with iron bridles being able to inflict tremendous pain or lead to a stalemate, we will discover something more about it. That’s why I think it is essential to differentiate between the power of relationships and the influence of manipulations. When we understand the horse would leave you immediately when he has a chance to escape from his captivity because between you and him is only obedience, pain, and exertion of power, is when we will be able to understand where the relationship actually starts. We will be able to experience that relationship grows where there is space and freedom for it, and only there is where a true friendship is possible. The horse, for me, expresses all the relationships with the nature in ourselves and with the world outside us. Especially when we long for an inner completion, somebody who could fulfill us totally, like in Plato’s myth about being round-shaped at the beginning and losing our own halves after division, we need a more profound understanding of what the relationship is.
There are interesting mysterious analogies about the relationship from the chemistry, biology and embryology, astrology and alchemy perspectives, which I would like to open and share.
And once we start to become conscious and start to feel that our relationship is something third between us, we can speak about the alchemy of relatedness of the three. 
Three in alchemy refer to the interrelatedness of the body, soul, and spirit. There can be as many challenges but in more hidden expression as in the relationship of three in family life, partnership, or love relationship. Through many ages and cultures, people faced the mystery of eternal triangles where something or somebody third intruded into their lives unexpectedly and rarely was it solved consciously and happily. The relationship dynamic of the three individuals can bring plenty of suffering, but also it can be something that completely changes the quality of the two.